Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009


takkan kuasa segala empatiku,
terlalu busuk tuk disimpan...
takkan kuasa kau hadapi itu,
di tengah gemuruh keramain kota..

sobat, tak faham otakku tuk jauhimu,
terarah kau pada saranku, gar nasib bermujur padamu Lah...

tak habiz bayang esok mendatang, entah kemana takdir berjalan pisahkan kita,
tapi tak usahlah berkecewa, Lah banyak jalan menuju Roma..

mang maniz perjalanan pekan lalu, bak keluarga saling berisi,
bahkan ku tak ingin pergi darimu, terlalu indah tuk dimengerti..

nan pasti gue tetap sobat Lo!!!

BLetonx, 05:37
jumat, 13/02/2009

my true best friends

best friend is someone who loves us although we don't show our loves..

okay, now i wanna introduce my best frienz. i think they are really my soulmates...
they are rizqie oktanti triandari n muhammad halim noor listyanto..

they always give me motivation to be the best..
i think only them who hope me to be docter..
they can stand up in everycondition

i can't tell them more because it will be long to introduce them. we have some memorize....