Selasa, 16 September 2008

my family

My mother is Nanik Aryani. Her father is Suwignyo, the headmaster of elementary school in Magelang. But, Marsudi who was the leader of Kernak village took my mother as his daughter because he had not had child. and my father is Riswoyo. His father is Sumardi who is the leader of Banyusari village. My father has 5 sisters and 3 brothers, so he had to work to continue studying in university.
When my mother was 16 years old, she got married with my father who was 29 on 1979. My mother had just finished the junior high school at the moment, and my father had finished studying of engineering in Gajah Mada University. My father said to my mother,” I hope you believe me to give you a life and don’t continue your school because I am afraid if you love another man.” My mother said that my father was very so sweet.
And then, they got a child in the second year. They gave her a name, Hidayah Ristiani. They were very happy. And the year after, they got a son. He is Isnaeni Risdian Toro. At the time, they had not had own home. They lived with my grandparents in an isolated village in Magelang. Although my father worked in Jogja, but he used to go backto Magelang. And after my mother and my father got a daughter again on 1983, government gave them a home in Jogja. Inspite of a little home, they were very excited.
On 1988, Indonesian government sent my father studying engineering in Japan. So, my mother and her children had to go back to Magelang. But my mother was proud to her husband.
On 1990, my father went back to Indonesia. He brought many money. So he could buy a home in Candi Gebang street number 3, in Jogja. After had bought the home, my father invited his family to live in Jogja again. And the other home he gave back to government.
A year after they moved to Jogja, I was born. My father gave me name Imam Andrian Risoyo. Imam means a leader and Risoyo is from Japanese language which means the dream of world.
When I was two years old, I got a brother a brother again. He is Latif Riscahyo Nugraha. My friends said that I had a rich family because my father had a taxi, a bus, and three cars. And my mother had a shop.
On 1998, my first sister got married. So she followed her husband moved to another city.
But, on 2000 our economical broke. My father sold all of our transportation, except motorcycle. On
On 2003, I studied in Magelang. The year after, my grandma was died. But, my older brother still lived in Jogja because he studied in UPN.
On 2004, Tari got married and she lived with her husband.
On 2007, my brother finished his school. And he got a job in Freeport, but this year he moved working in Jakarta. At the same year I studied in SMA 1 Magelang, but I can’t entered science class. Therefore, I moved to Jogja again. I have studied in Depok High school.

Imam Andrian R
Academic 2

4 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...


nice story about your family mam!!!


that's me nisa... mengatakan...

imam jeyek.. hahaha....

thx ya udah di comment...

bener2 .. urang sainz.. hahaha

beblemi_batoanx mengatakan...

@kiki: thanx
@nisa: yup sama2.

Bsok kLo dah kuLiah jgan pd Lupa ma ak y! Haha

Anonim mengatakan...

Lupa ma kamu????gag mungkin tuh.

bisa2 kamu malah yang lupa ma aku kalee...
