Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008

my dream land

Good afternoon friends,
Now I want to tell you about my dream land. My dream land is France, especially Paris. Paris has many histories and cultures. Paris is one of many cities with the best tourist objects in the world because there are about 30 millions tourists per year.
So, there are 3 reasons why I want to go there. Firstly, it is because Paris has a beautiful buildings, architecturs and panoramas. The example are Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and Place du Tertre.
Eiffel Tower is symbol of Paris. It is very famous in the world. It has twenty thousand lamps and can make beautiful lights in the night. Usually many person like to see it when the light walk from one lamp to another lamp.
Arc de Triomphe is a monument which was built in Place Charles de Gaulle and has twelve crossroads. It has a epigraphy. Usually Many people come there to give a flower or pray.
Place du Tertre is highest place of Paris. It very famous because there are many artist who can make beautiful painting. Place de Tertre also has many café to enjoy the scenery of the mountain.
Secondly, I want to go to Paris because Paris is a mode city. Paris has many fashion factories. The example is Sophie Martin which has exported many clothes to another world.
Thirdly, I want to go to Paris because I want to study in university of Paris. It consist of 13 little universities. University of Paris is one of many prestigious and famous universities in the world. It has the best scientist, politician, physicist.
So, I must do everything to reach my dream. Firstly, I must collect money to travel to Paris because Paris is very far and I need much money to go there. Paris is expensive city with expensive accommodations, transportations, or foods.
Secondly, I will look for many information about scholarship maybe from internet, newspaper, or some information of the foundation. It is the important thing to study in university of Paris because everything in Paris is expensive, such as education cost. And also we know that this university is very important in the world, so I need more money to study there.
Thirdly, I will learn more about France. There are everything about France, maybe culture, language, and the law. We must adapt myself to the culture when we go to somewhere. We also must know the language to communicate with everybody.
I think this is all of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. Good bye!!

oleh imam andrian risoyo
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